gets you $5 tix
for the 6/30 show!

Melanie has been searching for a way to bring 100 Characters 100 Days to life with a live audience and that day is finally here! Join her at the Hollywood Fringe Festival as she collaborates with you and the rest of the audience to improv characters in real time. Will she be funny? Will she crash and burn? Will she make you cry? Only one way to find out!
Most people think of comedic improv when they think of improv. That’s not what this is. True improv is trusting the moment to be what it will. And sometimes the moment wants to make us laugh. But sometimes it wants to make us think, to touch our hearts, to make us remember what it is to be human and all the mess that comes with it. And every time—it is a romp, an adventure and who knows where you’ll end up?
This is improv, so anything might happen and that anything may not be appropriate for younger audiences.
Only 3 performances!
Wednesday 6/17 @ 7:30 pm
Saturday 6/22 @ 11:30 am
Sunday 6/30 @ 6:30 pm
The Actors Company
916 N. Formosa Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90046
Ticket Prices
$18 general admission in advance
$15 for Fringe participants
$20 at the door
Get $10 tix with the discount code WWANFriends!
Buy your tickets here:

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