Back in 2011, I was hearing crickets at the beginning of the year in regards to acting. After booking House and Big Love and going to callbacks for Medium . . . a whole lot o' nothing. After several months, I started to get twitchy. A latent dissatisfaction seeped into my bones, and I found myself questioning life and what the heck I was doing out here in LA. Dream, schmeam. It was time to get real, whatever that means.
Now, being of a generally happy disposition and having a deep-seated belief in proactivity (yep, made that up right here on the spot) as being one of the keys to a fulfilled life, I started to ponder my situation and what I could do. Ponder, think, wonder, hmmm . . . and I came up with 100 Characters 100 Days.
For 100 consecutive days I filmed an improv monologue as a different character each day. In order to avoid the pitfalls of perfectionism, I set-up certain rules for myself:
One continuous take;
Once record was hit--that was it--no stopping;
I was only allowed to use what I had on hand--no purchasing of additional props or costumes;
I was only allowed to prepare in the hour preceding filming--it was to be true dramatic improv; and
Provided I was at home, I filmed in the same location every time.
You can meet all 100 characters below.